On the other hand, if you both are planning to Whatsapp number database work part-time, even your rapid prototype will take six months to come in the shape. The majority of tech people work 60 hours a week and are paid an amount beyond the Whatsapp number database reach of a startup. The only thing they like to do is to watch a movie or two or grab a beer. (They are the reason Shahrukh can make 40cr in a week, and Vijay Mallya is still not fully bankrupt!). Expecting them to Whatsapp number database work on the weekend?
You need to give them Whatsapp number database some extraordinary inspiration/incentive for them to do that. Are you searching for the right place? Having everything above in order, your chances of getting the right tech person in Banglore is ten times higher than the Whatsapp number database finding them in Delhi. What is the way forward? Hire an agency that can develop your initial prototype, and if you can validate the idea, you are more likely to get Whatsapp number database someone excited to join you. There is hardly a chance that anyone who can steal your idea would develop it as his or her own.
Hire a full-time developer/intern: Another option is to Whatsapp number database hire someone full-time, but you need a good backup fund to pay their salaries. Learn to code: Well, nothing can beat that if you can! It will take longer than usual but will be an asset to you always. You will be better equipped to engage with tech people later on. Share equity and Whatsapp number database partner with a start-up: Partner with another startup (like my own) that can take an equity position in yours and you both can work together to build your product. Who is a Tech Co-founder (CTO)? This should have been Whatsapp number database the starting paragraph.